If you need help answering a question that cannot be found in this FAQ section, please contact us at:


Afterworld Organics
87 5th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11217

Office & shipping: 845-802-6795

What’s changing?

First off, nothing is changing about our wholesale pricing, just the way you order your products from us. We are changing over to a new setup where there will no longer be separate wholesale and retail product pages. Instead of logging in via password, every wholesaler will get a discount code to use at checkout. This code will adjust the pricing to wholesale prices you currently see on the password-protected product pages.

Why are you doing this?

As we’ve grown and added new products, scents, and sizes having to maintain so many duplicate retail/wholesale product pages has created a lot of additional work that’s made it difficult to add features to the site that will help us make ordering products easier. You may have noticed that we’ve recently added the ability to sign up for waitlists on products, and have more features rolling out soon.

What about my affiliate links and discount codes?

Your affiliate URL and discount codes will work exactly the same as they do now. This change only affects the way you place wholesale orders.

So how will it work, exactly?

Just go to the regular product pages and shop as you normally would. On checkout you’ll enter your unique discount code during the checkout process to get the same wholesale pricing you currently get using the password-protected site.

When will I get my new discount code?

We will be issuing discount codes the week of January 3rd, and will be sunsetting the password-protected pages on January 6th. If you don’t get your code by January 6th, please let us know at hello@afterworldorganics.com